MAST Event – First 2 Days Guidelines

MAST Event Day One Chapel/ Devotion (30 Minutes) Start time 0800 AM Worship (15 Minutes) Intros/Welcome – Introduce Facilitators (15 Minutes) Set tone/vision/objectives for event Objective: to help you understand how we will be creating a meaning-based translation...
Manual Solving Pull-Request Conflicts

Manual Solving Pull-Request Conflicts

There are instances where a DCS github user submits a Pull-Request from their Fork of the repository which cannot be Merged automatically. The steps below will identify one approach for a repository administrator to solve this problem. This approach requires that that...
Ad Hoc Network

Ad Hoc Network

At some events it may be useful to create an ad-hoc Wi-Fi network. An ad-hoc network is an isolated network, and it is usually created by a computer or similar device, rather than by a Wi-Fi router. You can think of it as a Hotspot without an Internet connection. At a...